This 45 mile ride begins in the small hamlet of Bixby MO on State Hwy 32.Once you turn south onto SH 49 you will find a great canopied winding roadthat will thrill your senses.
Bixby to Elephant Rocks - 45 miles
This 70 mile ride loops Clearwater Lake located in the area of the valley whereIron & Reynolds county meet. Know for the grandeur of it's hills, naturalsprings, and splendid beauty.
Clearwater Lake Loop - 70 miles
Enjoy the back roads of this ride that twist through the Mark Twain Nationalforest. The beginning of this ride SH A is wildly twisty, and a thrill to ride.
Current River to Lesterville - 49 miles
This 71 mile ride offers some great sweeping and scenic vistas to thrill thesenses. If you're heading to the valley from the southwest for the weekendthen this a great route.
Eminence to Pilot Knob - 71 miles
This 72 mile is in our estimation one of the best in the Ozarks. If you enjoycanopied "Dragon" like roads, then this ride is your promise land.
As a serious rider you're always seeking to find "The Perfect Road", you know the one you can't wait to get back to. When I was invited to visit ArcadiaValley Missouri I must admit that the vision that I had in my head was that of just another typical sleepy Missouri back road community... Boy was I everwrong.Seldom does a rider find Valhalla in their own back yard, but the 900 square mile region known as Arcadia Valley is just that. The communities of PilotKnob, Ironton and Arcadia are nestled in the picturesque valley of the St. Francois Mountains and besides the over the top scenic rides, there are so manythings to do while visiting the area.Known for its red brick Iron County courthouse, graceful antebellum homesand turn-of-the-20th-century mercantile buildings, Arcadia Valley was apopular 19th century summer resort. During the Civil War, the valley wasthe site of a significant battle at Fort Davidson in Pilot Knob. There are fourmajor state parks in the valley - Elephant Rocks, Johnson's Shut-Ins,Fort Davidson Historic Site and Taum Sauk Mountain (Missouri's highestpeak). As for the area roads? First let me just say that I have traveled all over thecountry on my bike seeking out the best rides America has to offer, from theTail of the Dragon to the Beartooth Pass and most points in-between.All have their own unique features that make them great rides, and likeanything else, finding the best ride is certainly subjective. For me the bestride bar none is the Beartooth Pass in Wyoming. That being said, I thinkyou'll find the back roads of this valley can hold their own against the bestof them. They are absolutely as good as, and to some maybe better (again subjective) than any in the Ozarks. From winding and canopied “dragon like”roads to scenic vistas, you're definitely going be thrilled with the area and I’m sure you’ll mark it down as a place you’ll want to visit again and again.Below are eight new rides that I think you’ll love. Of course there will be more ride maps added as I have to opportunity to return to the valley and explorethe beauty that Arcadia Valley has to offer.
“The Arcadia Valley is one of the most delightful places I have ever been, with beautiful scenery all about.”
This 43 mile ride begins and ends in Reynolds MO, and loops the Logan CreekConservation Area which lies south of Black River and north of Current River.
Logan Creek Loop - 43 miles
This 85 mile ride loops Taum Sauk Mountain (highest point in Missouri). Whenyou take this route you might try a short detour on CR CC and ride up to theTaum Sauk Mtn. peak. (To reach the summit there is a short ride on a goodquality but dirt road).
As a serious rider you're always seeking to find "The PerfectRoad", you know the one you can't wait to get back to.When I was invited to visit Arcadia Valley Missouri I must admitthat the vision that I had in my head was that of just anothertypical sleepy Missouri back road community... Boy was I everwrong.Seldom does a rider find Valhalla in their own back yard, but the900 square mile region known as Arcadia Valley is just that.The communities of Pilot Knob, Ironton and Arcadia are nestledin the picturesque valley of the St. Francois Mountains andbesides the over the top scenic rides, there are so many thingsto do while visiting the area.Known for its red brick Iron County courthouse, gracefulantebellum homes and turn-of-the-20th-century mercantilebuildings, Arcadia Valley was a popular 19th century summerresort. During the Civil War, the valley was the site of asignificant battle at Fort Davidson in Pilot Knob. There are fourmajor state parks in the valley - Elephant Rocks,Johnson's Shut-Ins, Fort Davidson Historic Site andTaum Sauk Mountain (Missouri's highest peak). As for the area roads? First let me just say that I have traveledall over the country on my bike seeking out the best ridesAmerica has to offer, from the Tail of the Dragon to the BeartoothPass and most points in-between. All have their own uniquefeatures that make them great rides, and like anything else,finding the best ride is certainly subjective. For me the best ridebar none is the Beartooth Pass in Wyoming. That being said, Ithink you'll find the back roads of this valley can hold their ownagainst the best of them. They are absolutely as good as, and tosome maybe better (again subjective) than any in the Ozarks.From winding and canopied “dragon like” roads to scenic vistas,you're definitely going be thrilled with the area and I’m sureyou’ll mark it down as a place you’ll want to visit again and again.Below are eight new rides that I think you’ll love. Of course therewill be more ride maps added as I have to opportunity to returnto the valley and explore the beauty that Arcadia Valley has tooffer.
“The Arcadia Valley is one of the most delightful places Ihave ever been, with beautiful scenery all about.”
Ulysses S. Grant - President/General
This 45 mile ride begins in thesmall hamlet of Bixby MO onState Hwy 32. Once you turnsouth onto SH 49 you will finda great canopied winding roadthat will thrill your senses.
Bixby to Elephant Rocks45 miles
This 70 mile ride loopsClearwater Lake located in thearea of the valley where Iron& Reynolds county meet.Know for the grandeur of it'shills, natural springs, andsplendid beauty.
Clearwater Lake Loop70 miles
Enjoy the back roads of thisride that twist through theMark Twain National forest.The beginning of this rideSH-A is wildly twisty, and athrill to ride.
Current River to Lesterville49 miles
This 71 mile ride offers somegreat sweeping and scenicvistas to thrill the senses. Ifyou're heading to the valleyfrom the southwest for theweekend then this a greatroute.
Eminence to Pilot Knob71 miles
This 72 mile is in ourestimation one of the best inthe Ozarks. If you enjoycanopied "Dragon" like roads,then this ride is your promiseland.
This 43 mile ride begins andends in Reynolds MO, andloops the Logan CreekConservation Area which liessouth of Black River and northof Current River.
Logan Creek Loop43 miles
This 85 mile ride loops TaumSauk Mountain (highest pointin Missouri). When you takethis route you might try ashort detour on CR CC andride up to the Taum Sauk Mtn.peak. (To reach the summitthere is a short ride on a goodquality but dirt road).