OK, before some of you get yourselves in an uproar just keep in mind that as with most things, “Top” list are subject to varyingopinions. It’s almost like asking which of your children is your favorite… It’s practically impossible! This list is based upon yearsof riding almost every conceivable route that the Ozarks have to offer, so here you go, our “Top 5” rides in no particular order…
This is a ride that is often overlooked, but is one of the best in Missouri, and on a clear day you can see the Boston Mountainsin Arkansas.
Oldfield Loop - 21 miles (Missouri)
This 24 mile ride is one of Arkansas premier rides and USA Today list this ride as the #2 best rides in America according totheir Readers Choice best motorcycle roads in America. Motorcycle riders have called attention to the Pig Trail as a fittingexcursion for those who want to combine the picturesque and the sublime.
Pig Trail - 24 miles (Arkansas)
This 28 mile ride begins in Havana, the Mount Magazine Scenic Byway quickly begins its ascent through the forests on theslopes of Mount Magazine, the highest peak in Arkansas at 2,753 feet.
Mt. Magazine Scenic Byway - 28 miles (Arkansas)
This 53 mile ride takes in the beautiful Hwy 125, and there is probably no better ride in southern Missouri. The Peels Ferryruns all year and is free.
Sparta to Peels Ferry - 53 miles (Missouri)
This 59 mile ride includes the area south of Mt. Judea known as the Arkansas Dragon. With plenty of twisties and switchback,makes it one of Arkansas top 5 rides.
The Arkansas Dragon - 59 miles (Arkansas)
Our Featured Story
Discover Missouri’s Old Mills
Motorcycle Cruising and Touring the Ozarks
Here’s a ride to consider when you have a limited time in the Ozarks,but want to take in a “real feel” of the beauty that the area offers.We recommend you take two days to do this ride and enjoy themajestic scenery that Arkansas has to offer.
Welcome to Ozark RidesWhen it comes to great motorcycle touring destinations, few can rival the beautiful scenery and endless amount of twisty roads than the OzarkMountains of Arkansas & Missouri. The Ozarks has some of America’s best motorcycle roads.Ozark Rides is your online authority for Arkansas motorcycle road maps including the motorcycle destinations of Mountain View, The Pig Trail, TheBuffalo National River and Eureka Springs Arkansas as well as the Missouri Ozarks to include Branson and Lake of the Ozarks motorcycle rides.Riders will also find plenty to do when its time to pull the bike over and take a break: great camping/hiking opportunities, Arkansas wine country(the largest and oldest in the south), numerous art galleries and music festivals, old Missouri mills, music city Branson Missouri, Eureka SpringsArkansas, Lake of the Ozarks BikeFestand of course the world famous Bikes, Blues and BBQ festival in Fayetteville Arkansas.Discover some of the best motorcycle roads that America has to offer, here in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri.
Rates the Arkansas Pig Trail Scenic Byway as #2 in their ReadersChoice best motorcycle roads in America. Motorcycle riders have calledattention to the Pig Trail as a fitting excursion for those who want tocombine the picturesque and the sublime. This 19-mile stretch ofArkansas Hwy 23 passes through a curvy tunnel of foliage in the Bostonand Ozark Mountains, and the charming Victorian town of Eureka Springsis close-by, with lots of restaurants, shops and lodging.
Riding Safety. Handling the curves. You are riding down a road and as you enter a turn you feel as if you aregoing too fast and are heading for the tree on the side of the road.What should you do? Get on the brakes? Roll off the throttle? Bail?Believe it or not this is where a good number of inexperienced riders willget into trouble. As a novice rider approaches a turn most willinstinctively look directly at a stationary object such as a tree, guard railetc, (target fixation).
Ozark Mountain Motorcycle TravelDestinations.
If nearly perfectly paved, often twisty roads, wooded scenery, lots oflakes, and not too much competing traffic sounds like a good formula fora motorcycle tour, such conditions are available in the Ozarks
17 Tips for Riding in the Rain.
Scared of riding in the wet stuff? There’s no need; with a little know-howand a little preparation, riding in the rain can be just as safe and just asfun as riding on a nice, sunny day. Relax. Pay attention. After all, it’s onlywater, the heavens have opened and it’s pouring. You can’t see very fardown the road thanks to the spray coming off other vehicles. Your visoris misting up and you’re not entirely sure how you and your bike aregoing to handle the rain.
If you’re looking for an out of the ordinary ride, you might try the Missouri Mills Run. The state of Missouri is home to many wonderful mills from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and back then going to the mill was much like going to a county fair is today. In pioneer Missouri, villages and towns were often built around a gristmill, where grains were ground into flour and meal, and a sawmill, where timber could be worked into usable lumber. These water-driven mills were plentiful in Missouri, especially in the southern regions where spring-fed streams provided an almost inexhaustible supply of water power.Because of high demand, the mills often ran 24 hours (except on Sundays), operating on a first-come first-served basis, whether the farmer brought a wagon full of grain or one two-bushel sack. When a man arrived with raw grist, the miller marked his load by a stamp placed on his sacks or wagon, thus designating the man’s place in line. It was not uncommon for a man to wait several days for his grist to be processed. This time was spent fishing, trading or bartering for goods and livestock, discussing the news of the day, pitching horseshoes, playing sports and cards, and hashing over religious and political opinions.
We offer more ride maps for the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas than any other online source.
43 ride maps to choose from
48 ride maps to choose from
This months must see ride
Arkansas? Naturally
From the twisty Ozark asphalt and rolling Ouachita Mountains to the wide-open Mississippi Delta it is safe to say that Arkansas wasmade for motorcycling.
Check out our motorcycle podcast “Random Thoughts from the Road”. Where twice a month we talk about allthings motorcycles, the motorcycle lifestyle and riding around the Ozark mountains of Missouri & Arkansas andwell, just about anything that might pop into our minds.
Welcome to Ozark RidesWhen it comes to great motorcycle touring destinations, few canrival the beautiful scenery and endless amount of twisty roadsthan the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas & Missouri.The Ozarks has some of America’s best motorcycle roadsOzark Rides is the online authority for Arkansas Motorcycle Ridesincluding the Motorcycle destinations of Mountain View, The PigTrail, The Buffalo National River and Eureka Springs, Arkansas aswell as the Missouri Ozarks to include Branson and Lake of theOzarks motorcycle rides.Riders will also find plenty to do when its time to pull the bikeover and take a break: great camping/hiking opportunities,Arkansas wine country (the largest and oldest in the south),numerous art galleries and music festivals, old Missouri mills,music city Branson Missouri, Eureka Springs Arkansas,Lake of the Ozarks BikeFest and of course the famousBikes, Blues and BBQ festival in Fayetteville Arkansas.So get out and discover some of the best motorcycle roads thatAmerica has to offer, here in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansasand Missouri.
We offer more ride maps for the Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas than any other online source.
Riding Safety. Handling thecurves. You are riding down a road and as you entera turn you feel as if you are going too fastand are heading for the tree on the side of the road.What should you do? Get on the brakes? Roll off the throttle? Bail?
Motorcycle Cruising and Touring the Ozarks
Ozark Mountain MotorcycleTravel Destinations.
If nearly perfectly paved, often twisty roads,wooded scenery, lots of lakes, and not toomuch competing traffic sounds like a goodformula for a motorcycle tour, such conditions are availablein the Ozark Mountain areas of Missouri and Arkansas.
Rates the Arkansas Pig Trail Scenic Byway as # 2 in theirReaders Choice best motorcycle roads in America. Motorcycleriders have called attention to the Pig Trail as a fitting excursionfor those who want to combine the picturesque and the sublime.This 19-mile stretch of Arkansas Hwy 23 passes through a curvytunnel of foliage in the Boston and Ozark Mountains, and thecharming Victorian town of Eureka Springs is close-by, with lotsof restaurants, shops and lodging.
17 Tips for Riding in the Rain.
Scared of riding in the wet stuff? There’sno need; with a little know-how and alittle preparation, riding in the rain canbe just as safe and just as fun as riding on a nice, sunny day.
Arkansas’s Top 5 Rides
OK, before some of you get yourselvesin an uproar just keep in mind that aswith most things, “Top” list are subject tovarying opinions. It’s almost like askingwhich of your children is your favorite…
Discover Missouri’s Old Mills
If you’re looking for an out of the ordinary ride, you might try theMissouri Mills Run. The state of Missouri is home to manywonderfull mills from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, and backthen going to the mill was much like going to a county fair istoday. In pioneer Missouri, villages and towns were often builtaround a gristmill, where grains were ground into flour and meal,and a sawmill, where timber could be worked into useablelumber. These water-driven mills were plentiful in Missouri,especially in the southern regions where spring-fed streamsprovided an almost inexhaustible supply of water power.Because of high demand, the mills often ran 24 hours (except onSundays), operating on a first-come first-served basis, whetherthe farmer brought a wagon full of grain or one two-bushel sack.When a man arrived with raw grist, the miller marked his load bya stamp placed on his sacks or wagon, thus designating theman’s place in line. It was not uncommon for a man to waitseveral days for his grist to be processed. This time was spentfishing, trading or bartering for goods and livestock, discussingthe news of the day, pitching horseshoes, playing sports andcards, and hashing over religious and political opinions.
It’s practically impossible! This list is based upon years of ridingalmost every conceivable route that the Ozarks have to offer, sohere you go, our “Top 5” rides in no particular order…
Here’s a ride to consider when you have a limited time in theOzarks, but want to take in a “real feel” of the beauty that thearea offers. We recommend you take two days to do this rideand enjoy the majestic scenery that Arkansas has to offer.
Get caught up on past featuredstories If you’ve missed one of our featuredstories, then check out our storyachives here.
From the twisty Ozark asphalt and rolling Ouachita Mountainsto the wide-open Mississippi Delta it is safe to say thatArkansas was made for motorcycling.
Arkansas? Naturally
Check out our motorcycle podcast “Random Thoughts from theRoad”. Where twice a month we talk about all thingsmotorcycles, the motorcycle lifestyle and riding around theOzark mountains of Missouri & Arkansas and well, just aboutanything that might pop into our minds.